Country: United States (US)
City: Secaucus
Continent: North America
Latitude: 40.7876
Longitude: -74.06
Timezone: America/New_York
Postal Code: 07094
State: New Jersey
Organization: FACEBOOK
ASN: AS32934
ASN Network:
Is Proxy?: No
The IP (Internet Protocol) is like your phone number: a unique identifier that works as an address for sending information between devices. Every website we visit, besides the domain (like meuip.lat), also has an IP assigned to it. This is how information is exchanged between the user and the server where websites are hosted.
IP Facts:
- IPs can be dynamic (change periodically) or static (permanent).
- Public IPs identify devices on the internet, while private IPs are used within local networks.
- IP geolocation can determine the country, city, and even the internet service provider of a device.
- A single device can have multiple IPs: one for the Wi-Fi connection and another for the mobile connection, for example.
Why is IP important?
IP is essential for communication on the internet, allowing data to be routed correctly. It is also used for security, tracking, and personalizing online services.